◀◀ ▶▶ Blog 31 of 42

The New World of Publishing

By William May
Published: 01/23/09 Topics: Comments: 0

I have been in, around, up to and about communication, journalism, advertising, marketing and publishing for a lot of years in one form or another.

But this is a new era. The era of online publishing. Our company Plumbob Publishing is a thrown back to the era when journalists actually tried to verify what they write, where they get information and how well they convey it.

In case you don't know, a plumbob is a carpenter's tool. In it simplest form it includes nothing more than a weight on a string. As any fourth grader will tell you, holding the string with the weight on the bottom will always yield a true 90 degree angel to the earth. From there a carpenter can calculate level and square and straight. They call it being "In Plumb" and that is exactly what we want to do with Plumbob.

To start with we offer specialty Websites that report on, provide services to and support the industries they feature. Currently those are Vacation Rentals, Executive Suits and Photography, such as:

(Vrai.org)Vrai.org (For the Vacation Rental Association)
(VRMLS.org)VRMLS.org (The world's first Multiple-Listing-Services [ MLS ] For Vacation Rentals )
(ExecutiveSuites.org)ExecutiveSuites.org (For the Executive Suite Association)

And some prototypes of the Vacation Rental Listing Sites which use the VRMLS service to list and display vacation rentals from around the world to just around the corner.

(Many more of these to come)

Overtime we'll be sliding back into the world of print publications and other kinds of Internet activity. Check often to see what we are up to. Or visit any site to register and use our services.

Author: William May – Manager, Plumbob Publishing
Blog #: 0100 – 01/23/09

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